Partner focus: Casa Mia Casa Tua

Today. we welcome to the ColivHQ platform our first coliving company in Singapore. Here is an introduction of Casa Mia Casa Tua, with five answers directly from the operator. Enjoy!

What is Casa Mia Casa Tua?

A few Casa Mia Casa Tua bedrooms and common areas

Our vision is to make it easy for you when it comes to moving and living in Singapore. We envision a seamless and convenient home experience, where all our members have to do is choose the location and move in, we take care of all the rest. We offer shared homes in interesting locations, affordable, with a great community and convenient service, right from the beginning—starting with our 3D virtual tours …yes, we had those even before COVID-19 🙂

What types of guests can one expect to find with you?

Young professionals, from all over, working in technology, but not only. To give you a better idea, currently we have:

  • People from 24yrs old and on
  • Just over half are women 
  • From Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Noway, the UK, the US
  • With jobs in companies like Google and Rolls-Royce

What do you do to delight your guests? Give us a recent example.

Casa Mia Casa Tua Italian cooking class

Feed them well! LOL! I’ll give you three recent examples: 

  1. Cooking classes for a home where all members were interested in cooking. 
  2. A hawker centre guided tour and food sampling, conducted for a home next to a popular food court of Singapore. 
  3. More recently, in the midst of the lockdown, we sent a care packet of Italian food products to our members. 

Yes, food plays a central role in all our activities.

What does “community” mean to you and your business?

  1. People making memories together
  2. Enabling people to network professionally
  3. Enabling people to travel together (well, not right now, but hopefully again soon…)
  4. Collaborating with other businesses to add value to our members

Anything else you would like to let us know about Casa Mia Casa Tua?

We have a lot of experience living abroad ourselves, at various points in our lives. When we started Casa Mia Casa Tua we wanted to bring that experience and what worked well for us to others. .

Casa Mia Casa Tua values and quotes