Are investors coming back to coliving in 2021?

Congratulations to Cohabs on their recently announced EUR 58M round (Brussel-based network of coliving spaces Cohabs has raised €58 million in a Series B round)! Is it me, or does it feel like investors are interested again in coliving (after a bit of COVID-break)?

Successful coliving operators deliver superior customer experience, not “just” convenience

coliving user experience

As a coliving operator, you typically provide a combination of affordability, community, and convenience. Depending on your model and location, sometimes one element is more important or visible than others. For example, in expensive global cities like New York, London or Hong Kong, affordability is the first thing that comes to mind. However, even in those expensive cities, community and convenience are big factors in the equation. Successful operators have done a great job establishing their brands as leaders in all these three — think of your favorite coliving brand if you want an example.

Ten benefits of using ColivHQ as a coliving operator

10 benefits of using colivhq as your coliving software

Are you still running your coliving business with spreadsheets and shared drives? Or are you using many tools to take care of various aspects of the business? Whether you are a small team with one home or a larger operator with multiple homes across a few cities, here is a list of benefits that ColivHQ can bring you.

The ultimate list of coliving places in Bali

Bali just announced that they are not going to reopen to the public for this year, so for now, we can only plan where to go next. For those planning, here is a list of all 14 coliving spaces in Bali.

Overview of ColivHQ – launch release

We have just launched the first version of ColivHQ. ColivHQ covers all coliving operational needs end-to-end, from management of an operator’s inventory to prospective members’ leads, and ongoing management of maintenance issues to monthly billing. Here is an overview of what’s included in the launch release and a peek into what’s coming up soon

The ultimate list of coliving places in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)

Ho Chi Minh Coliving spaces

This week, we looked at the coliving places in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), and we made a list of all of the options available in the city. Actually, it’s surprising to see that there are only four options currently available, and really only one option available to foreigners moving to the city.

The effect of COVID19 on coliving businesses

How is coliving faring during the COVID19 crisis? It depends on where you are.  To complement the anecdotal evidence from articles, we looked at some quantitative indicators of occupancy with operators in major coliving markets (in Singapore, India, Europe, Brazil, United States). Singapore In The Business Times article, a few operators were talking about how […]